it’s not junkmail


The single thing I miss most over absolutely anything on this earth whilst living on the road is my family. Yes they may be a text or phone call away but not being able to hug them is so hard! When you text or whatsapp people so often a digital message just doesn’t feel real. I want something they can treasure even if it takes days to arrive and the news is old what’s the difference? So especially for my nan whom I adore and let’s be honest she isn’t the most tech savvy I decided to write home. A quick scrawl in my handwriting saying how I’m well and where I was posting this from and I popped it off! She adored the surprise message and has dutiful pinned my postcard to her fridge with pride awaiting another. Those are the memories you treasure and I want more than a digital message for my travels so now all that’s left is to get writing! Send me your address and I’ll fire one onto you if you fancy some mail that’s not junk or bills!


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